Implementing inclusive health enhancing physical activity into our every day lives.
HEPA4ALL (Inclusive Health-Enhancing Physical Activity for All) champions widespread inclusion through adapted physical activities from across different segments of society. Focused on long-term social integration for disabled and disadvantaged persons, the project identifies key factors for inclusive participation, fosters cross-sectoral collaboration, and develops accessible training and communication methods, all aligned with compatible sports policies.
The HEPA4ALL project focuses on providing inclusive seven domains:
1. Home: The home is a natural setting for physical activity, and it can be easily modified to accommodate people of all abilities. For example, chores such as making the bed and cleaning can be done in a way that gets the body moving.
2. Work: The workplace can be a great place to promote physical activity. Employers can provide employees with opportunities to walk, bike, or take the stairs instead of driving. They can also offer fitness classes or subsidise gym memberships.
3. School: Schools can play a vital role in promoting physical activity among children and adolescents. They can provide physical education classes, recess, and afterschool programs.
4. Travel: Travel can be a great opportunity to get some physical activity. Instead of taking the bus or train, consider walking or biking to your destination. You can also get some exercise by exploring your surroundings on foot.
5. Sport: Sports are a great way to get physical activity and have fun at the same time. There are many different sports to choose from, so you can find one that you enjoy and that is accessible to you.
6. Nature: Natural environments, such as parks, forests, and beaches, can provide a refreshing and enjoyable setting for physical activity. Getting outdoors can help you relax and de-stress, while also getting your body moving. 4 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
7. With the Family: Physical activity can be a great way to bond with family members. Go for walks together, play games, or do yard work. Getting active together can be a fun and rewarding experience. These 7 Domains provide a comprehensive overview of the many opportunities for people to participate in HEPA4ALL. By promoting HEPA4ALL in these domains, we can help people of all ages and abilities live healthier lives.
Enjoying physical activity as a family can enhance holistic well-being.
The project adopts a sophisticated approach for preparing tailor-made strategies for encouraging the participation of persons from different disadvantaged groups by considering the barriers preventing them from participating in HEPA. The project aims to define universal standards for the inclusion of disadvantaged persons in HEPA, by compiling successful practices across the EU.
HEPA4ALL takes into consideration the positive effects of using accessible and inclusive technology to reach a wider audience. E-learning modules and a HEPA stakeholders database are featured technological outputs of the project which will be designed as EU-wide accessible inclusive communication and educational tools for HEPA field workers and volunteers, especially if they are disadvantaged or disabled.
This project brings together an inclusive team from six partner organisations from six different programme countries and different disciplines to create an inclusive multi-disciplinary approach. All partners were assigned to the project works considering their expertise for achieving results compatible with the project objectives. All of the project partners have profound experience in implementing EU projects and this will contribute to the project outcomes reaching a broad audience across the EU.
To find out more about HEPA4ALL, visit the website here.
Health Enhancing Physical Activity for All
Financed by the European Union. The European commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.